

 Presented by 

 SYED AQEEL IQBAL QASMI, Ph.D. (Currently pursuing) Teacher of Arabic literature and Quranic Exegesis at Darul Uloom Online, Chicago, US And 

Resident Scholar at Iqra Center of Indiana, Indianapolis, US 






3rd May, 2014

All praises are for Allah, We praise him and seek his help and  forgiveness and we believe in him and rely on him. We seek  refuge from the Allah from the evils of Satan and the evils  present in ourselves. 

We also bear witness that our Prophet and Master, Muhammad  (peace be upon him) is his servant and his messenger. May  Allah send on him and his companions his special blessings  and send them peace in abundance. Aameen 

“In the messenger of Allah there is a beautiful model for  such of you who hopes in Allah and Last Day and  remembers Allah a great deal”. (33.21) 

Brothers and Sisters!! 

Today we are living in an era which is full of challenges. This is  indeed an era where the whole mankind is intensely competing  to hoard and accumulate worldly gain, without having much  concern about the Halaal and Haraam of their actions. We  witness that we are passing through a period where mankind  always feels cheated with the prevailing system, and often  frustrated with the misfortune that befalls them. It is as if  mankind has lost the sense of direction when they are going  after each other, each one blames the other, claiming that they  are upon the right. In result we see disputes and wars without  an end. In resolving all the disputes and disagreements the  whole mankind should humbly lower themselves to accept the  Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]’s life as our 

way of life in each and every aspect of our lives. This is  because the life of Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alayhi  wasallam] mentioned in various books of Hadith and History is  not mere story-telling or folklore for the whole mankind, rather it  illustrates the life of the Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alayhi  wasallam] that must be followed by the whole mankind because  the life of Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]  provides the perfect model in living upon a religion according to  the command of Allah. Allah himself mentions clearly in the  Holy Quran: 

“In the messenger of Allah there is a beautiful model for  such of you who hopes in Allah and Last Day and  remembers Allah a great deal”. (33.21) 

But a question arises here….Why does the mankind need a  model to follow in their lives when the Almighty Allah has  already revealed his book (The Holy Quran) which we can  study by ourselves and follow its injunctions? 

The answer to this question is that man by his very nature, is  incompetent to reform himself or to learn some art or trade only  by reading books. Almighty Allah has so constituted man’s  nature that he must have before his eyes the practical  demonstration of a teacher and a model to follow for learning  any art or trade. 

If a man commits the folly of taking up the medical profession  only by studying books on the medical subject he is doomed to  fail in his practice: he can but cause only death and casualties  to humanity.  

It has, therefore, been prescribed as an international law that a  man who passes the M.B.B.S. examination cannot practice as  a physician, unless he undergoes a practical training in some 

hospital for a prescribed period, and observes during this  period the practical medication and operations performed on  patients under the guidance and supervision of some expert  and experienced medical professors or surgeons. This is  necessary because he has so far studied the medical science  only in books and through class lectures, but he has not yet  learnt how to put into practice his book knowledge. He must,  therefore, undergo a thorough practical training before he can  be given license to practice as a physician or a surgeon. 

Thus, it seems that Almighty Allah has so devised and moulded  man’s disposition that he cannot take the right course without  the practical model of an experienced guide, nor can he learn  or practice any art or trade without guidance. That is exactly  why Almighty Allah evolved the system of sending to the world  Prophets and Messengers (alayhimus salaam) to provide  practical demonstration as to how to put into practice the divine  injunctions, as this could not be possible only by reading the  divine scriptures. Thus Allah sent the last Prophet Muhammad  [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] to serve as a perfect model for  complying with the Qur’anic injunctions.  

How nicely has the Holy Qur’an expressed this idea in another  place! “A light and a clear Book has come to you from  Allah”. (5:15)  

There is an indication in this verse that if a man has a book, but  has no light, whether sunlight, electricity or candle light, he  cannot benefit from the contents of the book. If a man has  sources of natural or artificial lights but is blind, he too, cannot  receive any benefit from books. In the same way Allah sent  along with the Qur’an, the guiding light of the Holy Prophet  Muhammad without which you can neither fully understand the 

injunctions contained in the Qur’an, nor can you comply with  them according to Allah’s will.  

The teachings of the Holy Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]  are themselves light  

Allah sent His Messenger [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] to this  world that the light of his teachings may provide a practical  explanation and demonstration of the Book of Allah before you.  For this purpose Allah has made the Prophet’s life a complete  model, the like of which humanity is unable to produce. You  have been commanded to see and follow this model. 

Hazrat Umar Farooq [radhiallaahu anhu] once took up  residence in a house quite far off from the Prophet’s mosque.  On account of distance he could not visit the Prophet’s mosque  for prayer frequently. He, therefore, arranged with one of his  neighbours that each of them would go to the Prophet’s  mosque on alternate days and relate to his companion what he  heard from the Holy Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam], so  that each would, by this arrangement, remain fully informed of  the Holy Prophet’s sayings. Thus did the Noble Companions  devote themselves even to the smallest items of the Prophet’s  directions and teachings.  

Hazrat Huzaifah ibn Yaman was the conqueror of Iran. When  Iran was attacked its Ruler, Khosroe, invited him to his court for  negotiations. When he entered the court, food was served to  him as a mark of entertainment, which he began to eat. During  eating a morsel of the food fell down on the ground. It is the  teaching of the Holy Prophet that on such occasions the morsel  should be picked up, cleansed and eaten, as it is God’s gift of  sustenance and none knows which part of the food contains  Allah’s blessing. When Hazrat Huzaifah intended to take up the  fallen morsel from the ground, a man sitting by his side tried to 

stop him from that act, as it might degrade him in the eyes of  the King and his courtiers. In reply Hazrat Huzaifah uttered this  wonderful sentence: “Should I give up the Sunnah of the  Holy Prophet for the sake of these fools?”  

It is the Noble Companions of the Holy Prophet [sallallaahu  alayhi wasallam] who subjugated the world as a result of their  unflinching compliance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet  [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]. Today we feel ashamed in acting  upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, and we think that if we comply  with Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, the people of the world will  laugh at us. The obvious result is that we Muslims have lost our  prestige and are being ridiculed and humiliated everywhere.  

Today, the Muslims make one-third of the world population and  they are larger in number and richer in material resources than  they were ever before. The Holy Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi  wasallam] had, however, prophesied that a time would come  when the Muslims would be in a large number, yet they would  be like straws floating on the surface of flood water, Today we  have gone down to a position in which we have sacrificed  everything to please our enemies. We have given up our  character and our good deeds and have altered our  appearances and form, in fact everything from head to feet to  show that we are their slaves. Even then they are not pleased  with us. How disgraceful it is for the Muslims that they are being  constantly smitten by one nation or another! It must be borne in  mind that when a Muslim turns his back on the Sunnah of the  Holy Prophet he should expect nothing except humiliation and  disgrace. 

A question is frequently asked. It is alleged that we have been  doomed to disgrace and humiliation for having abandoned the  Sunnah. As against this, the unbelievers of some of the  advanced countries are enjoying honour, peace and power and 

worldly gifts of life. Whose Sunnah are these unbelievers  following? 

The answer to this question is very simple. Almighty Allah has  granted us, by His mercy, the wealth of Iman and we have  pronounced the Kalimah (Article of Faith) of the Holy Prophet  Muhammad [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]. So, we will not be  safe from being smitten and disgraced, unless we surrender  ourselves completely to Allah and follow sincerely and  submissively His Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]. As for  the unbelievers, they have no share in the bounties and  blessings of the Hereafter. If they are placed in authority,  wealth, honour and progress in this world, we should not apply  their analogy to ourselves. Just as we go through the pages of  history encompassing these fourteen centuries, We find that as  long as the Muslims complied with the Sunnah of the Holy  Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam], they enjoyed, Power,  Authority, Honour and Grandeur. They however, went down the  abyss of humiliation and poverty when they relinquished the  Sunnah of the Holy Prophet [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam].  

We all take part in religious gatherings and listen to sermons,  yet it hardly brings any change in our lives. Let us resolve today  to review what are the Sunnah acts which we are doing and  those which we are ignoring. Which are those acts of the  Sunnah which we can start immediately and those which call  for a little time. The acts which we can start immediately must  be started from today. As for acts which call for time, we should  give them that time so as to be able to start them as early as possible. 

May Allah help us all to act on Sunnah throughout our  وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد هلل رب العلمين .Aameen.lives

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